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Top 9 Strategies for Organizations to Safely and Securely Use AI Coding Tools

Artificial Intelligence (AI) coding tools are transforming software development. These tools, which use machine learning algorithms to generate code, are becoming increasingly popular across various industries due to their potential to significantly enhance productivity and reduce development time. According to Gartner, AI-coding tools will soon be the norm. However, the rapid adoption of AI coding tools has raised numerous security concerns among IT professionals and decision-makers. We now discuss the growing adoption of AI coding tools, the security issues associated with them, and the reasons why these tools are here to stay. We will also discuss the key problems related to the deployment of AI coding tools and provide insights into addressing these challenges effectively.

The Rise of AI Coding Tools

AI coding tools have seen a remarkable rise in adoption across multiple industries. From big banks to large retailers, organizations are increasingly integrating these tools into their software development processes. According to an April 2024 Gartner survey, nearly two-thirds of organizations are either in the pilot or deployment stages of using AI coding tools. And that by 2028, 75% of enterprise software engineers will use AI code assistants, up from less than 10% in early 2023. This surge is driven by the promise of enhanced productivity, faster development cycles, and the ability to handle complex coding tasks with greater ease.

The appeal of AI coding tools lies in their ability to automate repetitive and mundane coding tasks, allowing developers to focus on more complex and creative aspects of software development. By leveraging advanced machine learning algorithms, these tools can generate code snippets, debug existing code, and even suggest improvements, thereby streamlining the development process. As the technology behind AI coding tools continues to evolve, their capabilities are expected to expand, making them an indispensable part of the software development toolkit.

Security Concerns in AI Coding Tools

Despite their numerous advantages, AI coding tools have sparked significant security concerns among IT professionals and decision-makers. A survey conducted by Snyk, a leading application security company, highlighted that nearly three in five C-suite tech decision-makers are worried about the security implications of using AI coding tools. These concerns are even more pronounced among application security teams and developers, who are three times more likely to rate the security of AI-generated code as poor.

The primary security issues associated with AI coding tools include the potential for introducing vulnerabilities into the codebase, the lack of transparency in AI-generated code, and the risk of malicious code injection. Additionally, the rapid pace at which AI coding tools are being adopted often outstrips the implementation of necessary security protocols, exacerbating these concerns.

Challenges with AI Coding Tools

1. Poor Security of AI-Generated Code

One of the most significant problems with AI coding tools is the perceived poor security of AI-generated code. Many IT professionals and developers believe that AI-generated code is more prone to security vulnerabilities compared to human-written code. This perception stems from several factors, including the black-box nature of AI algorithms, which makes it challenging to understand how code is generated and whether it adheres to best security practices.

AI coding tools rely on training data, which can include both secure and insecure coding examples. If the training data contains insecure code patterns, the AI tool may inadvertently replicate these patterns in the generated code. Furthermore, AI-generated code may lack the contextual understanding and nuanced judgment that experienced human developers bring to the table, potentially leading to the introduction of subtle security flaws that are difficult to detect and mitigate.

2. Lack of Proofs of Concept

Another critical issue is the lack of proofs of concept (PoCs) conducted before deploying AI coding tools. According to the Snyk survey, only one in five organizations run PoCs prior to introducing AI coding options. This oversight can have serious security implications, as PoCs are essential for evaluating the effectiveness, reliability, and security of new technologies before they are fully integrated into the development workflow.

PoCs allow organizations to test AI coding tools in a controlled environment, identify potential security vulnerabilities, and assess the overall impact on the development process. Skipping this crucial step can lead to the premature adoption of tools that may not be fully vetted, increasing the risk of security breaches and other operational issues.

3. Inadequate Training for Developers

The Snyk survey also revealed that more than half of organizations do not provide developers with adequate training on how to use AI coding tools. This lack of training can significantly contribute to security vulnerabilities, as developers may not be fully aware of the potential risks and best practices associated with these tools.

Proper training is essential to ensure that developers understand how to use AI coding tools effectively and securely. This includes educating them on the limitations of AI-generated code, how to review and validate code for security issues, and how to integrate AI tools into existing security workflows. Without adequate training, developers may inadvertently introduce vulnerabilities into the codebase or fail to recognize and address security issues in AI-generated code.

4. Absence of Formal Protocols and Guidelines

Many organizations lack formal protocols and guidelines for the safe and secure use of AI coding tools. This absence of standardized procedures can lead to inconsistent and potentially insecure implementation of AI technologies across the organization.

Establishing formal protocols and guidelines is critical to ensuring that AI coding tools are used securely and effectively. These protocols should cover all aspects of AI tool usage, from initial evaluation and PoCs to ongoing monitoring and security audits. By implementing standardized procedures, organizations can minimize the risk of security vulnerabilities and ensure that AI tools are integrated seamlessly into the development workflow.

5. General Security Fears Among C-suite Executives

C-suite executives are also expressing significant security concerns regarding the adoption of AI coding tools. These fears are driven by the potential for AI-generated code to introduce new vulnerabilities into the software, the lack of transparency in how AI tools operate, and the overall impact on the organization’s security posture.

These concerns can influence organizational decisions and slow down the adoption of AI coding tools. To address these fears, it is essential to provide C-suite executives with clear and comprehensive information on the security measures in place, the benefits of AI tools, and the steps being taken to mitigate potential risks.

Why AI Coding Tools Are Here to Stay

The GenAI Era

The adoption of AI coding tools marks the beginning of the GenAI Era, characterized by the widespread integration of generative AI technologies into various aspects of software development. This era is defined by the recognition that AI technologies have become an integral part of the development process, offering unparalleled advantages in terms of productivity and efficiency.

The inevitability of AI coding tools is driven by their ability to automate complex coding tasks, generate code at scale, and continuously improve through machine learning algorithms. As organizations increasingly rely on AI tools to enhance their development capabilities, it becomes clear that AI coding tools are here to stay and will continue to evolve and improve over time.

Productivity Benefits

The productivity benefits of AI coding tools are one of the primary reasons for their widespread adoption. These tools can significantly reduce development time by automating repetitive and time-consuming coding tasks, allowing developers to focus on higher-level design and problem-solving activities.

AI coding tools can also improve code quality by providing intelligent suggestions, identifying potential errors, and offering optimized solutions. This increased productivity not only accelerates the development process but also enhances the overall quality and maintainability of the codebase. As organizations strive to remain competitive in a fast-paced digital landscape, the productivity benefits of AI coding tools make their adoption an attractive and necessary proposition.

Future Growth Projections

The future of AI coding tools looks promising, with significant growth expected in the coming years. According to industry forecasts, the use of AI coding tools is projected to snowball over the next four years, driven by continuous advancements in AI technology and the growing recognition of their benefits.

Gartner predicts that by 2028, nearly all software development projects will incorporate some form of AI coding tools, highlighting the transformative impact of these technologies on the industry. As AI tools become more sophisticated and capable, their adoption will likely extend beyond traditional software development to include various other domains, such as data science, cybersecurity, and automated testing.

Top 9 Strategies for Safely and Securely Using AI Tools

We now outline key strategies and solutions to mitigate security risks and maximize the benefits of AI coding tools.

1. Conduct Comprehensive Proofs of Concept

Running proofs of concept (PoCs) is a crucial step before fully deploying AI coding tools in a production environment. PoCs allow organizations to evaluate the tool’s performance, identify potential security vulnerabilities, and determine the overall impact on the development process. By testing the AI coding tools in a controlled environment, organizations can make informed decisions about their suitability and readiness for broader implementation.


A large retail company considering the adoption of an AI code generation tool for automating backend services might conduct a PoC to assess its compatibility with existing systems and evaluate its ability to generate secure code. During the PoC, the company can identify any integration issues, measure the tool’s impact on development speed, and assess the security of the code produced.

Steps to Implement Effective Proofs of Concept:

  1. Define Objectives: Clearly outline the goals of the PoC, such as evaluating the tool’s security, performance, and integration capabilities.
  2. Select Test Cases: Choose representative test cases that reflect typical use scenarios and potential edge cases.
  3. Set Up a Controlled Environment: Create a sandbox environment to test the AI tool without affecting production systems.
  4. Monitor and Analyze: Continuously monitor the tool’s performance and analyze the results to identify any issues or areas for improvement.
  5. Document Findings: Record the findings and use them to make informed decisions about whether to proceed with full deployment.

2. Prioritize Security Team Feedback

Involving Security Teams Early:

Involving security teams from the beginning of the AI tool adoption process is essential to identify and mitigate potential security risks. Security professionals can provide valuable insights into the tool’s security implications and help establish necessary safeguards.


A financial institution planning to implement an AI tool for code review can involve its security team in the evaluation process. The security team can assess the tool’s ability to identify vulnerabilities, recommend additional security measures, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

Mechanisms for Regular Feedback:

  1. Scheduled Reviews: Conduct regular security reviews with the security team to assess the tool’s performance and identify new risks.
  2. Feedback Loops: Establish feedback loops where developers and security professionals can share insights and collaborate on addressing security issues.
  3. Automated Alerts: Implement automated alerts to notify security teams of any suspicious activities or potential vulnerabilities detected by the AI tool.

3. Document and Audit AI-Generated Code

Proper documentation of AI-generated code is critical for tracking and managing code security. Documentation provides a record of code changes, the rationale behind them, and any associated security considerations.


A healthcare software company using an AI tool to generate patient data management code can maintain detailed documentation of the code, including the AI model’s training data, the code’s purpose, and any security measures implemented.

Regular Audits:

Conducting regular audits of AI-generated code helps ensure that the code remains secure and compliant with best practices. Audits can identify vulnerabilities that may have been introduced and provide opportunities for continuous improvement.

Best Practices for Audits:

  1. Automated Tools: Use automated code analysis tools to regularly scan AI-generated code for vulnerabilities.
  2. Peer Reviews: Implement peer reviews where experienced developers and security experts review the code for potential security issues.
  3. Compliance Checks: Ensure that the code complies with industry standards and regulatory requirements through periodic compliance checks.

4. Invest in Secure Technology

Choosing Secure AI Tools:

Selecting AI coding tools with robust security features is essential to minimize the risk of introducing vulnerabilities. Criteria for choosing secure AI tools include the tool’s ability to generate secure code, its transparency, and the vendor’s commitment to security.


A tech startup evaluating AI tools for mobile app development might choose a tool that offers built-in security checks, transparent code generation processes, and regular security updates from the vendor.

Integrating Security Technologies:

Augmenting AI tools with additional security technologies can further enhance code security. This can include integrating AI tools with existing security infrastructure, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and secure code repositories.

How to Augment AI Tools:

  1. Security Plug-ins: Use security plug-ins or extensions that integrate with AI tools to provide additional layers of security.
  2. Secure Repositories: Store AI-generated code in secure repositories with access controls and encryption.
  3. Continuous Monitoring: Implement continuous monitoring solutions to detect and respond to security threats in real-time.

5. Augment Companywide AI Training

Designing comprehensive training programs that cover both the technical and security aspects of AI tools is crucial for ensuring their secure use. Training programs should educate developers on the capabilities and limitations of AI tools, as well as best practices for secure coding.


An e-commerce company adopting AI tools for website development can implement a training program that includes modules on how to use the AI tool, identify and fix security vulnerabilities, and integrate the tool into existing workflows.

Ongoing Education:

Ensuring continuous learning and updates on the latest security practices helps developers stay informed about new threats and mitigation strategies. Ongoing education can be facilitated through workshops, webinars, and access to online resources.

Ensuring Continuous Learning:

  1. Regular Workshops: Conduct regular workshops and training sessions to keep developers updated on the latest security practices and AI tool features.
  2. Access to Resources: Provide access to online courses, documentation, and other resources that offer insights into secure AI tool usage.
  3. Certification Programs: Implement certification programs to recognize and validate developers’ expertise in using AI tools securely.

6. Establish Formal Security Protocols and Guidelines

Creating and enforcing formal security protocols for AI tool usage is essential to ensure consistency and security across the organization. These protocols should outline best practices, security requirements, and procedures for using AI tools.


A multinational corporation using AI tools for software development can develop security protocols that specify the steps for integrating AI tools into the development process, conducting security reviews, and responding to security incidents.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs):

Implementing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) ensures that AI tools are used consistently and securely. SOPs provide clear instructions on how to use AI tools, perform security checks, and document code changes.

Implementing SOPs:

  1. Clear Instructions: Develop SOPs that provide step-by-step instructions for using AI tools and performing security tasks.
  2. Regular Updates: Regularly update SOPs to reflect new security threats and best practices.
  3. Compliance Checks: Conduct regular compliance checks to ensure adherence to SOPs.

7. Regular Security Assessments

Establishing a routine for regular security assessments helps organizations identify and address security vulnerabilities promptly. Continuous monitoring involves using automated tools and manual reviews to ensure the ongoing security of AI-generated code.


A government agency using AI tools for public service applications can implement continuous monitoring solutions that scan AI-generated code for vulnerabilities and provide real-time alerts for potential security issues.

Adapting to New Threats:

Keeping security measures up-to-date with evolving threats is crucial for maintaining a robust security posture. Organizations should regularly review and update their security strategies to address new and emerging threats.

How to Adapt to New Threats:

  1. Threat Intelligence: Use threat intelligence services to stay informed about new and emerging threats.
  2. Regular Updates: Regularly update security tools and protocols to address new vulnerabilities.
  3. Proactive Measures: Implement proactive measures, such as penetration testing and red teaming, to identify and mitigate potential threats before they can be exploited.

8. Create a Culture of Security Awareness

Promoting Security Mindset:

Encouraging a company-wide culture that prioritizes security helps ensure that all employees understand the importance of security and their role in maintaining it. A security mindset involves making security a core value and integrating it into all aspects of the organization’s operations.


A software development firm can promote a security mindset by incorporating security training into the onboarding process, recognizing employees who demonstrate strong security practices, and regularly communicating the importance of security to all staff.

Incentivizing Secure Practices:

Implementing strategies to motivate employees to adhere to security protocols can enhance overall security. Incentives can include rewards for identifying security vulnerabilities, bonuses for completing security training, and recognition programs for demonstrating exemplary security practices.

Strategies for Incentivizing Security:

  1. Reward Programs: Implement reward programs that recognize and reward employees who identify and address security issues.
  2. Security Competitions: Organize security competitions, such as hackathons, to encourage employees to develop and showcase their security skills.
  3. Recognition Programs: Establish recognition programs that highlight and celebrate employees who demonstrate strong security practices.

9. Collaboration with External Security Experts

Consulting with external cybersecurity experts can provide valuable insights and enhance an organization’s security posture. External experts can offer unbiased assessments, identify potential vulnerabilities, and recommend best practices for secure AI tool usage.


A large tech company can collaborate with external cybersecurity firms to conduct comprehensive security assessments of its AI tools and provide recommendations for improving security.

Periodic Security Reviews:

Conducting periodic security reviews with external experts helps ensure that security measures remain effective and up-to-date. External audits can provide an unbiased assessment of the organization’s security practices and identify areas for improvement.

How to Conduct External Security Reviews:

  1. Select Qualified Experts: Choose reputable and experienced cybersecurity firms for conducting security reviews.
  2. Comprehensive Assessments of Security Practices: Collaborate with external experts to conduct thorough assessments of AI tool usage, including code security, data privacy measures, and compliance with industry standards.
  3. Recommendations for Improvement: Based on the findings from security reviews, implement recommendations from external experts to strengthen security measures and mitigate potential vulnerabilities.


While AI coding tools promise exceptional developer efficiency, their deployment demands rigorous, proactive security measures to safeguard against vulnerabilities. Safely and securely using AI coding tools requires proactive strategies, thorough planning, and ongoing vigilance. The strategies discussed above not only help address current security concerns but also prepare organizations to navigate future challenges in the fast-moving landscape of next-gen software development.

Implementing these solutions requires a concerted effort across all levels of the organization, from C-suite executives to developers and security professionals. By integrating security considerations into every stage of the AI tool adoption process, organizations can foster a culture of security that achieves engineering and business goals, protects their assets, preserves customer trust, and ensures sustainable growth in the digital era.

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