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How SASE Delivers Enterprises from Legacy Networking Nightmares

Networking and security solutions have undergone a remarkable evolution over the years, driven by the ever-increasing complexity of digital networks and the growing sophistication of cyber threats. In the early days of networking, security was often an afterthought, with basic firewalls and antivirus software providing the primary line of defense. However, as networks became more interconnected and cyber threats became more advanced, the need for more robust and integrated security solutions became apparent.

This evolution gave rise to the concept of Secure Access Service Edge (SASE), a modern approach to networking and security that seeks to integrate network security functions directly into the network infrastructure. SASE represents a paradigm shift from traditional networking and security models, offering a more streamlined and efficient approach to securing today’s digital enterprises.

Legacy Network Devices: A Burden for Modern Enterprises

Legacy network devices, such as traditional firewalls and VPNs, present a number of challenges for modern enterprises. One of the primary limitations of legacy devices is their inability to scale effectively to meet the demands of modern networks. Legacy appliances are often deployed in a piecemeal fashion, leading to a fragmented security posture that is difficult to manage and maintain.

Furthermore, legacy network devices operate in silos, with separate devices and management interfaces for different security functions. This siloed approach not only increases complexity but also requires extensive resources to deploy, manage, and maintain. IT teams are often burdened with the task of managing multiple devices and interfaces, leading to inefficiencies and increased risk of human error.

SASE: The Modern Solution

SASE represents a departure from the traditional approach to networking and security, offering a more integrated and holistic solution. At the core of SASE is its cloud-native architecture, which allows security functions to be delivered as a service from the cloud. This architecture provides several key advantages over legacy appliances.

First and foremost, SASE eliminates the need for on-premises hardware, reducing the cost and complexity of deploying and managing security infrastructure. By consolidating security functions into a single cloud-native platform, SASE enables enterprises to achieve greater operational efficiency and agility.

Additionally, SASE provides a more flexible and scalable approach to security. Because security functions are delivered from the cloud, they can easily scale to meet the needs of dynamic and distributed networks. This scalability is essential in today’s digital environment, where networks are constantly evolving and expanding.

Furthermore, SASE offers a more integrated approach to security, with all security functions being delivered from a single platform. This integration allows for greater visibility and control over network traffic, enabling enterprises to detect and respond to threats more effectively.

SASE represents a significant advancement in the field of networking and security, offering a more efficient, scalable, and integrated approach to securing today’s digital enterprises. By leveraging the power of the cloud, SASE enables enterprises to achieve a higher level of security while reducing cost and complexity.

High Availability and Single-Points of Failure

High availability (HA) is a critical aspect of networking and security, ensuring that systems remain operational and accessible even in the face of hardware or software failures. In networking, HA is achieved through redundant hardware and software configurations that can quickly take over in the event of a failure. Security devices, such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems, also rely on HA to maintain continuous protection against cyber threats.

Legacy network devices often struggle to achieve high availability due to their reliance on physical hardware and manual configuration. These devices are prone to single-points of failure, where the failure of a single component can lead to a complete outage. Additionally, legacy devices often require manual intervention to failover to redundant systems, leading to downtime and increased risk of security breaches.

SASE addresses these challenges by leveraging cloud-native architecture to provide seamless HA. SASE platforms are designed to be highly resilient, with redundant components distributed across multiple data centers. This redundancy ensures that even if a single data center goes offline, the SASE platform remains operational. Furthermore, SASE platforms are self-healing, automatically detecting and recovering from failures without the need for manual intervention.

Security Updates and the Upside-Down World

Security updates are a critical aspect of maintaining a secure network environment, as they address vulnerabilities and protect against emerging threats. However, in legacy environments, applying security updates can be a challenging and time-consuming process. Legacy devices often require updates to be applied manually, which can lead to delays and potential security gaps.

SASE offers a solution to this challenge by providing continuous and seamless updates from the cloud. Because SASE platforms are cloud-native, updates can be applied automatically and transparently to all connected devices. This ensures that security patches are applied promptly, reducing the risk of security breaches.

Additionally, SASE platforms often include advanced threat intelligence capabilities, which can proactively identify and mitigate emerging threats. This proactive approach to security helps to further enhance the overall security posture of the network.

Hardware Refreshes: Painful Necessity or Avoidable Expense?

Hardware refreshes are a common requirement in legacy environments, as hardware components age and become obsolete. However, hardware refreshes can be a costly and disruptive process, requiring significant investment in new hardware and downtime for migration.

SASE offers a more cost-effective and efficient alternative to hardware refreshes. Because SASE platforms are cloud-native, they do not rely on physical hardware for their operation. This means that enterprises can avoid the expense of purchasing and maintaining hardware, instead relying on the scalability and flexibility of the cloud.

Furthermore, SASE platforms are designed to be easily scalable, allowing enterprises to quickly and cost-effectively expand their network capacity as needed. This scalability helps to future-proof the network, reducing the need for frequent hardware refreshes.

In other words, SASE offers a compelling alternative to legacy network devices, providing high availability, seamless security updates, and cost-effective scalability. By embracing SASE, enterprises can escape the limitations of legacy hardware and embrace a more efficient and secure networking future.

TLS Inspection: A Standard Feature in SASE

Transport Layer Security (TLS) inspection plays a crucial role in modern security by allowing organizations to inspect encrypted traffic for potential threats. As more and more web traffic is encrypted using TLS, the ability to inspect this traffic has become essential for detecting and preventing attacks.

SASE ensures that TLS inspection is a standard feature by incorporating it into its cloud-native architecture. SASE platforms are designed to decrypt and inspect TLS traffic at scale, allowing organizations to maintain visibility into encrypted traffic without compromising performance or security. This enables enterprises to detect and mitigate threats hidden in encrypted traffic, ensuring a higher level of security for their networks.

Delivering Enterprises: Moving from Legacy to SASE

Transitioning from legacy network devices to SASE is a critical step for enterprises looking to enhance their networking and security capabilities. However, this transition can be complex and challenging, requiring careful planning and execution. Here are the key steps that enterprises should take when moving from legacy devices to SASE:

  1. Assessment and Planning: Conduct a thorough assessment of your existing network infrastructure and security needs. Identify the gaps and shortcomings of your current setup and develop a plan for transitioning to SASE.
  2. Vendor Selection: Choose a SASE vendor that aligns with your organization’s needs and objectives. Consider factors such as scalability, security features, and integration capabilities.
  3. Deployment: Implement the SASE solution in stages, starting with a pilot deployment in a controlled environment. Gradually expand the deployment to cover the entire network, ensuring minimal disruption to operations.
  4. Integration: Integrate the SASE platform with your existing network infrastructure and security systems. Ensure that the integration is seamless and does not impact the performance of your network.
  5. Training and Adoption: Provide training to your IT team and end-users on how to use the new SASE platform effectively. Encourage adoption by highlighting the benefits of the new platform and addressing any concerns or challenges.
  6. Monitoring and Optimization: Continuously monitor the performance of the SASE platform and make adjustments as needed to optimize its performance. Regularly review your security policies and configurations to ensure they align with best practices.

By following these steps, enterprises can successfully transition from legacy network devices to SASE, realizing the benefits of a more efficient and secure networking environment.


SASE represents a significant advancement in the field of networking and security, offering a unified and cloud-native approach to securing modern enterprises. By incorporating features such as high availability, seamless security updates, TLS inspection, and scalability, SASE addresses the limitations of legacy network devices and provides a more efficient and secure networking environment.

Enterprises that embrace SASE stand to benefit from improved security, reduced costs, and increased agility. It is essential for organizations to carefully plan and execute their transition to SASE, ensuring minimal disruption to operations and maximizing the benefits of this innovative technology. Embracing SASE is not just a step forward in networking and security; it is a leap towards a more efficient, resilient, and secure digital transformation for organizations across all industries.

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